Join us

For Counsellors

We’re searching high and low, for the best counsellors who know,
How to help our patients get their emotional glow.
For all counsellors who are keen,
With skills that are sharp and supreme,
Joining our clinic is a must,
Let’s make a difference, we trust.

For Volunteers/ Interns

If you’re eager to learn and grow,
Be a part of a team that’s all aglow,
We’ll guide and mentor, with care so rare,
Together we’ll make a difference, we’ll share.
So if you’re ready to lend a helping hand,
Come join our clinic, and make a stand!

Interested candidates could either be tasked to complete an ad-hoc project or contribute to our regular client engagements. Past examples include co-developing mental health courses with Samaritans of Singapore (suicide prevention non-profit) and creating bite-sized mental health guides for the general public.